Aria’s party faces a boner army and dodges a pie-loving drug user. Those are hyperbolic euphemisms.
Episode 7 — “Undead on Approach — Dark Tales of the Earl”
Beheneko’s plot is not the fanservice engine’s main draw. Hot take, I know! Elf PLOT, dragon BACKSTORY, and tan catgirl SIDEQUEST have magnetically attracted my eyeballs week to week. But Beheneko has done the bare minimum of establishing its narrative through usual storytelling devices. We’ve seen foreshadowing, character development, and musical tone setting. I’ll grant you the music isn’t stellar, but you can tell a scene should be dramatically intense or comedically lighthearted. That’s why the seventh episode disappointed me (further).
First, Beheneko managed to competently foreshadow that the merchant was a necromancer and that his fiancé would rise from a specific grave. Gathering flowers, putting them on a gravesite, and showing them held by a woman in a portrait set those details in mind quickly. I have no complaints here. But!
Second, Beheneko threw in the roofie-using Jack-the-Ripper side story with no prior work. Did the last episode have a stray line about the village’s missing women? I didn’t hear one. Also, I thought the Vial of Truth would make the merchant confess his secret intentions about buying a dragon skeleton instead of the creepy Earl of Gladstone.
We don’t watch Beheneko for its story except to move nipples onto the screen. But don’t distract the audience so much that you ruin the immersive experience of a communal bath episode every week.
Weekly Beheneko Pussy… Cat Head!
Can you believe it? I couldn’t. At no point in this week’s episode did Tama stay in the pocket of Aria’s cleavage. Or anyone else’s cleavage. But Beheneko did feature another favorite genre of cat videos: Cat Head! Of course, Tama has found a comfortable spot atop Aria’s crown before this week. Hey, I make spaghetti with whatever meatballs land in my pot.

Yes, yes. Cat Head usually involves a cat’s butt pressed against a hapless human’s face as he sleeps or doing its best impression as a cat hairball wig. But cat hats in anime are staples of the genre, so here we are. Thank goodness Tama gave us a cat hat scene in the steam bath portion of the episode.

Beheneko, continuing from last week, showed Aria and Stella searching for Lily and Feris but dismissing the significance of a broken jar of fruit in syrup. Neither of those girls would leave sweet slices behind.
Yay! Vulcan reunited with Aria and Stella. Who are these women sitting next to Stella in the inn’s reception area? And why do they look so scared? Also, here’s your reminder that Stella’s underboob in a tube top is impressive. Ah. This butler for the Earl of Gladstone has a discerning eye for cup size. Miss Vulcan, the SIDEQUEST, is quite the diplomat. Okay. Here’s Vulcan using “rumors” to warn the others about a date-raping lord.

Ugh. Gladstone immediately asked the three to become his mistresses. Tama’s buffing skill will thwart that guy’s drug-lacing plans. Oops. Gladstone didn’t kidnap the fairies. Their boobs aren’t big enough! Ack. Skeletons attacked the manor before Stella tossed around more recriminations.
Beheneko Wrecking Crew Softens Boner Army

All right. It’s now evident. The merchant is the necromancer, and he upgraded his skeleton summoning after Vulcan smashed his one fighter. Those skeletons should have stayed down because the CGI army looks terrible. Are there no other guards or adventurers in this village? Aria’s party has a heavy lift to protect its citizens. How convenient that Aria received Holy Sword skills to produce dual blades that are weightless and effective against undead.

Mr. Merchant wants undead revenge against Gladstone for killing his fiancé! He also has a relic that steals fairy mana from Lily and Feris to summon a skeleton army and reanimate Stella’s bones. Beheneko’s two poorly established narrative streams have combined. The skeletons get the holy swords, but who gets the Vial of Truth? Ooh. Tama’s tentacles rescue the fairies, and Aria’s holy blades carve up Stella’s skeleton. Cringe. One skeleton tells the merchant to give up, and it’s his fiancé! What a waste of two episodes.
Bath Episode in Beheneko, Again!

Oh, come on. Execution in less than a day? Ah. Here comes the Vial of Truth to expose the kidnapping killers of Earl Gladstone and his butler. Bruises and sweet tea!

Dear audience, here’s your reward. Another communal bath episode! Vulcan has a juicy peach. Will Lily and Feris join these steamy sessions regularly? Smol harem members!
Next time, I have no idea what Beheneko will tell us. It’s a hard break for the next story arc.
Beheneko: The Elf-Girl’s Cat is Secretly an S-Ranked Monster! streams on Hidive in Japanese audio with English subtitles.
Thank you for reading this episode review of Beheneko. The fanservice show is out of its element when it de-emphasizes PLOT, BACKSTORY, and SIDEQUEST. But I hope it can keep flashing bare skin as it enters its season-ending arc. Please give us more Vulcan peaches and Stella underboob! Who is your favorite among the (now) five harem members? Let us know in the comments below.
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