It’s a Straight Line Once You Fall in Love is a hentai manga created by Kisaragi Gunma, best known for his serialized manga and his past work “Welcome to Tokoharu Apartments”. This book was published by our friends at FAKKU, known for the very best hentai manga releases, it’s also fully uncensored, just like the artist wanted the book to be read. It has a total of 214 pages, with 4 colored pages, along with a total of 7 chapters. The stories in this manga appeared on Comic Kairakuten from 2013 to 2015.
Right from the start, I knew this was going to be a good book. Kisaragi Gunma serialized manga is one of the best. It mixes ecchi with fun hentai scenes but never being overly serious. His mangas are good if you don’t enjoy hardcore hentai, but still, want something more than just vanilla basic hentai. Usually, hentai books don’t have a lot to read, it’s mostly for the art, but this one is surprisingly long, with a lot of text on each page. You will enjoy this book if you “read hentai for the story” because you have a lot of that here.
The story is all about Seikodo the art of sex, considered a sport nowadays. A group of young male virgins went to their school’s Seikodo club, to see if they could join. In that group, there is Kiyosato, that only wants to join the club so he can have sex with Hotaka, his crush. They eventually end up together, as a pair, and start their training sessions. In the beginning, Hotaka does not like Kiyosato that much, she thinks he’s just one more perverted guy, but as the story flows, she starts enjoying his company more and more.
From the first few pages, I thought this would just be training sessions over and over again, in order to show a bunch of hentai scenes. However, the plot changed once Hotaka’s sister, Aoi (a retired Seikodo master), starts evaluating Kiyosato and saw a big potential in him. At the same time, Karen (Aoi’s rival), wants Aoi to come out of retirement, so she can have a rematch with her. Aoi rejects Karen’s challenge and starts training Kiyosato and Hotaka, to beat Karen at the nationals. Kiyosato and Hotaka’s relationship is at stake, because, if they lose, Kiyosato will have to leave Hotaka to be Karen’s pair. I won’t go into much more detail, but it’s from here that the story heats up and gets very interesting, until the climactic ending at the nationals.
I enjoy how simple Kisaragi’s art is, the girls look cute overall, with simple lines to accompany their looks, and you can actually understand the hentai scenes. In many hentai mangas, sometimes, it’s difficult to see what’s going on with a page, since there is too much detail on them, and that is fine, but it’s just good to have a different style where it’s simplicity is actually rather amusing. What I enjoyed the most was the slim figures of the girls while wearing their Seikodo attires. It shows off their perfect bodies and makes Seikodo really feel like a true sport, something that could actually exist. Traditional Seikodo attires include a back hole, so the girls don’t have to undress to practice. There is a lot of lore around Seikodo, and the book shows that very well.
Hentai scenes are all over the place in this book, sometimes even just in the background while some other characters move on with the story since this is the Seikodo club, the members need to keep practicing at all times. If you enjoy orgies, then this book has plenty, but even if you’re not a fan, don’t worry, it’s not the main focus. Surprisingly, there is also a lot of very passionate sex, since Kiyosato and Hotaka start developing a relationship, also, every girl inside the Seikodo club (and outside), want to have a turn with Kiyosato, so, you can expect a lot of action from him. There are no hardcore scenes, the book just tries to make it feel like “If Seikodo was real, this is how it would work”, and it nails that very well.
It’s a pretty big and good read if you enjoy serialized hentai. This release also includes 4 bonus short stories that were not published in any magazine. A mature and more real “what if” scenario, that any hentai fan should enjoy.