Scheduled to premiere in the summer 2020 anime season, the Crunchyroll co-production of The God of High School has released a brand new English subtitled promotional video that reveals a ton of new information including additional cast and crew!
Starting with the voices that are bringing these characters to life, the cast reads as follows (character names first):
- Jin Mori: Tatsumaru Tachibana
- Han Daewi: Kentaro Kumagai
- Yoo Mira: Ayaka Ohashi
- Park Mujin: Daisuke Namikawa
- Gang Manseok: Tomokazu Sugita
- Commissioner O: Yuki Kaida
- Commissioner P: Asami Tano
- Commissioner Q: Kenji Hamada
- Commissioner R: Chikahiro Kobayashi
- Announcer T: Tomokazu Seki
The animation is being produced by studio MAPPA (Yuri!!! On Ice) with Sunghoo Park (Garo -Vanishing Line-) serving as the director working off series composition created by Kiyoko Yoshimura. Manabu Akita is designing the characters, and Arisa Okehazama is composing the background music.
Other staff members working on this series include:
- Art director: Kuniko Iwatani/Sachiko Nishiguchi
- Color Coordination: Ami Kutsuna
- Director of photography: Shigeki Asakawa
- Editing: Satoshi Aihara
- Sound director: Kisuke Koizumi
- Sound effects: Katsuhiro Nakano
- Music producer: Yoshiki Kobayashi
Originally appearing on WEBTOONS, The God of High School was created by Yongje Park in 2011 and has reached 459 “episodes” though it only has one collected volume in print as of November 2019. The official site describes the story as:
It all began as a fighting tournament to seek out for the best fighter among all high school students in Korea. Mori Jin, a Taekwondo specialist and a high school student, soon learns that there is something much greater beneath the stage of the tournament.
This promotional video did a great job of highlighting the blood-pumping action that we’re going to get from this series. While perhaps the product placement in the promotional video was worthy of a small eye-roll, the overall product looks excellent and I’m pretty excited to check this one out once it premieres this summer!
Source: Crunchyroll News