From the creator of the manga series Sayonara Zetsubou-sensei, Kōji Kumeta, is a manga series titled Kakushigoto (which can be read as either ‘secret’ or ‘drawing job’ depending on which kanji you use) about a father trying to hide his lewd manga career from his daughter who is in fourth-grade. Serialized in Monthly Shonen Magazine since December 2015, it already has ten collected volumes in print and now we know that it’s also getting an anime adaptation in April 2020.
According to the official website, studio Ajia-do Animation Works will produce the animation for the series. Yuuta Murano is directing the series, working off series composition created by Takashi Aoshima. The character designs will be provided by Shuuhei Yamamoto, and Yukari Hashimoto will compose the background music.
In the lead roles will be Hiroshi Kamiya as the father character, Kakushi Gotou, while Rie Takahashi will play the daughter, Hime Gotou (who is replacing Chika Anzai from the original manga promotional video that was released earlier).
Now, that’s fine, I can hear you saying. But how does it look? Well, take a look for yourself. The following thirty-second teaser gives audiences their first look at the two main characters and gives a very short glimpse into their interactions with each other. Judging by the smile on Hime’s face, it looks like a pretty happy home life indeed.
Manga author Kouji Kumeta was so happy about the anime announcement that he drew and posted this celebration image.
As mentioned, the series is set to premiere in April 2020, and I’m already looking forward to sitting in front of this one and seeing what transpires. It’s been quite a long while since we’ve gotten a good-natured family orientated series and this comedy looks like it could slide in and fill that void very well.
Stay tuned here for further Kakushigoto updates as they become available!
Source: Mantan Web