The Japanese are a very seasonal people, doing different things at different times of year, and as the warmer weather approaches, everyone is getting into “summer mode.” First of all, summer is the season for drinking mugi cha, the delicious barley tea which is consumed all around the country, since it’s cold and refreshing and can be easily made with cold-water tea bags. In July and August, the summer festivals like Tanabata will arrive, without a doubt my favorite part of Japan (well, after hot springs). Summer is also time for Japan’s politicians to show they’re doing something about global warming by embracing what’s called cool biz, a program promoted by the Japanese Ministry of the Environment every year that promotes using less electrical power by embracing clothing that allows people to be comfortable even with the air conditioning turned down. Prime Minister Fukuda (who comes from our prefecture of Gunma) held a press conference over the weekend wearing a casual shirt from Hawaii, which looked ridiculous on the man. He looked relieved when the press event was over and he could change back into a suit.
Yes, Blue Hair Anime Girls CAN Win at Love!
Recently I wrote a blog post about the tendency of anime girls with blue hair to fail to be chosen...