2022 is off and running, and we’re all hoping it will turn out to be a good year for us all, as the world recovers from the nightmare of COVID-19 and we all hope for more normalcy in our lives. I think I can sum up how we all feel right now with this picture:

The Japanese Don’t Do New Year’s Resolutions, but ‘New Year’s Hopes’
Different countries have different traditions when it comes to marking the arrival of a new year. One thing the Japanese don’t really do is New Year’s resolutions, writing down what they intend to achieve in the new year. Instead, they have what are called 新年の抱負 shin-nen no houfu, which are basically “hopes” for the new year, things they hope will happen, or areas of their lives they hope will improve.
Show Us Your Hopes for 2202 Using Anime!
I asked J-List’s awesome customers to show us their hopes for 2022, and they came through with flying colors. Let see what they were!

For my part, to be able to obtain a new rank in the Army, finish fixing my house and most importantly…continue enjoying anime and collecting figures and plushies.

I hope to find an apartment. Been looking for months but this market is absolutely ridiculous. Almost nothing is available.

I obviously hope the COVID situation will improve and as many people as possible will come through it okay.

To either find a loving and caring partner to have a relationship with, or get a body pillow to cuddle.

I hope I can be healthier in 2022, and hit the gym more regularly.
What do Japanese people do to mark the end of a year? Here’s a blog post for you!

Probably futile, but I hope for a decline in idiocy.

To put my own needs first more often even if creates minor issues for others.

Sounds better than this idea of New Year’s resolutions. My main hopes are getting most of my debts paid and landing a rather decent IT job. Hoping to maybe get a couple certifications under my belt too.
My hope is that travel restrictions are gone or at least lowered a bit so I can start traveling again.

To officially launch my business.
What Do You Hope Will Happen This Year?
Personally I plan to wait and see if 2022 looks like it’s going to offer us any improvement over previous years. If not, I might just head out to the year 2202 and hang out with all my friends in the Yamato and do battle with the Comet Empire.
Thanks for reading this post exploring our hopes for 2022. We hope you have a safe, warm, and wonderful new year!
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