2020 is finally coming to an end, and none of us are likely to shed a tear to see it go. This has been a terrible year for many, full of stress caused by the need to wear masks and maintain social distancing from others, making it impossible to go to the restaurants we want to visit, or attending beloved anime events like Anime Expo together. And for those who contracted the virus, it was unthinkably worse. I asked J-List’s awesome customers to try to sum up 2020 in an anime image so future generations could know what it was like, and here’s what we came up with!
Let’s Sum Up 2020 in an Anime Image!

We all entered 2020 with optimism and hope. I even traveled to Taiwan with Mrs. J-List in January, something that feels like 5+ years ago after all that’s happened. Things went downhill fast.
When memes like this started becoming a thing, we knew things were only going to get bad.

The rest of the world suddenly having to adapt to the mask-wearing culture that was already in place in Japan, Taiwan, and South Korea caused a lot of stress, but it was necessary.

We all tried to keep our spirits up, but it was hard.

Being told to stay home and watch anime sounded good at first, but it got old fast.

Soon, many of us were at our limit, dying of boredom as we were unable to do the normal fun things we used to do to help with stress.

Some decided to use the time to play through our backlog of Steam games, and that was fun for maybe two weeks before we ran out of games to play.
Got a Steam account? Make sure to pick up JAST USA games during their Winter sale!

Some of us took to the Internet to engage in meaningful discussion with like-minded individuals about a variety of topics…
…while some others just sat back and enjoyed some quality anime tiddies.

While some people were required to stay at home, many were busier than ever, such as the important people in the trucking and delivery industry, who bravely kept important goods flowing.
Having to work under such stressful conditions was hard for them, and we’re really thankful for their hard work and sacrifice!

To avoid getting fat during the lockdown, many started working out at home, using whatever equipment was handy.
Others lacked proper gym equipment and had to get creative if they wanted to stay healthy at home.

Then again, some of us just said “screw it” and put off getting serious until next year.

With so much time home alone, some were no doubt tempted to self-medicate their problems away. We certainly understand how this can be tempting.
2020 was the year when we were told by the city of New York that the safest sex partner was ourselves. J-List and Japan’s onahole companies stood by ready to assist with innovative ero products that relieve stress during 2020, and we sold more than ever before in the history of our company.

More than a few of us guys used the extra time to work on our self-care techniques, using unique ero toys from Japan or doing it the old-fashioned way. You have to manage stress during a crisis!

Stressed-out females also managed their stress during the lockdown in various healthy ways. We’ve got lots of great ero products for girls in stock.

Eventually, the challenges 2020 threw at us were too much to be surprised at, and we just accepted each new bit of bad news.

By the end, all we could do was try our best to keep a stiff upper lip and smile.

While we’re all just waiting to get back to the way things were before, that might not be a perfect solution either. I just hope we’re all in a better place in 2021!
Thanks for reading this post about summing up 2020 in anime images! Did we capture the essence of 2020 properly? Also, thanks for being an awesome fan and supporter of J-List during this crisis. We’re genuinely happy to have you as a customer, and will do our best to serve you in 2021!
We love the ways Japan’s doujin artists are being celebrated all around the world, with licensed uncensored doujinshi by J18 Publishing, with officially licensed ero toys, and in these wonderful ecchi tapestries which let you display your favorite beautiful waifus on the wall proudly.