Recently, I posted a meme that poked fun at some male anime fans for being unkind to female otakus. Those fans who insist that “female weebs don’t exist” when approached by one who wants to make friends. I got a lot of responses from J-List customers, so I thought I’d write a blog post on this topic!

First, a disclaimer: this is mostly a tongue-in-cheek post. Of course female otaku exist, as anyone who’s ever attended an anime convention can tell you. Female anime fans are incredible and help drive anime, manga and visual novels in amazing new directions. In this post, we’ll take a look at the meme, and at the interesting reactions I received.
The Rise of Female Fandom in Anime
I’ve been an anime fan since the very beginning, even attending Anime Expo “Zero” back in 1991. Anime fandom was a real sausage fest back in those days, with only around 20% of attendees being girls. Female fans were even harder to find at the San Diego Comic-Con back in the ’80s. But two things happened in the mid-90s that would bring millions of girls into anime fandom.
The first was Gundam Wing, the first Gundam series to really hit with Western fans. In addition to a great story and incredible animation, the show cleverly added a homoerotic subtext that caused female fans to inundate J-List with requests for more “Heero x Duo” doujinshi. Next was Evangelion, which had something for every fan: a complex apocalyptic story, robots and cute girls for the boys to enjoy, and the tension between Shinji and Kaworu to bring girls on board.
Today 50% of the attendees at major anime conventions are girls, and 50% are guys. What a wonderful world we live in!

What Exactly is a “Weeb”?
There are many definitions, but it’s generally paired with the Japanese work otaku. This word, otaku, started out as a quirky and formal way to refer to “you, or your family” and, thanks to Gainax’s influential Otaku no Video, came to represent hardcore fans of anime and manga.
A good definition of “weeb” would be someone who’s addicted to Japanese pop culture to the point where it starts to become a part of their personality. And I know plenty of people like this, both guys and girls.
What Do J-List Customers Think of Female Weebs?
I think they’re out there, but they like to hide that part of them because they think it’s cringe… If only they knew how much we’d like to talk with them normally.
Yes, they exist. I lost my virginity to one, and I’ve dated a two other female weebs. Both were huge Fate/stay night fans, by chance.

I have been a female weeb because my mom loved Cutey Honey and Astro Boy so I followed suit. She was from the era of the ’70s animes following me being into everything. This is back when anime had no ratings, so I saw things children today wouldn’t have because of ratings.

We certainly do! And we love a good, raunchy VN as much as any guy. My order history on J-List and MangaGamer will attest to that.

I’m guilty as charged. Been a girl otaku for 15 years or so. You don’t grow out of it.
They exist. The smart ones just know not to broadcast that they’re female.

If they exist, prove it. I never find one on dating apps.
Female otakus are awesome and should join the Fuwanovel Discord.
They exist, but it’s like trying to find a shiny Pokémon.
If female weebs don’t exist, then who’s producing and consuming all the yaoi?
Female weebs are very much real. They can get even more degenerate than the average male weeb.
Why does it always seem to be the male default of “no girls allowed” in like…every space. Girls make everything better.

Female anime fans don’t even real, bro.

Weebs hate other weebs. Everyone hates weebs. Why do humans hate each other so much? #LokiWasRight
I’m literally married to a female weeb.
Thanks for reading this post about the legendary female otakus. I think all anime fans are great, and we should all have fun together, geeking about whatever kind of anime, manga, or game we love. Do you agree with me? Tell us in the comments below!
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