We love anime because, like Thanos with his Infinity Stones, reality can be whatever animators want it to be. Anime often has its own internal logic, and it’s fun for fans to analyze anime logic and try to quantify it. I asked J-List’s awesome customers to show us their favorite anime logic examples, and here’s what we came up with!
The best 16 Examples of Anime Logic!

Of course, the reason girls wear sexy bikinis while fighting fires is that fires are hot. Makes perfect sense to me!

One common trope in anime are characters of Japanese descent who speak the language fluently because their grandmothers made sure they learned it growing up. That’s very convenient…

You can never be sure what will happen when it comes to anime logic. “Prehensile hair” is definitely a possibility, as is ahoge hair that moves in response to the character’s emotional state.

One of the unifying features of male main characters is that they seem to be “herbivores” who aren’t interested in doing sexy stuff with females.
Another aspect of anime logic is the way glasses are designed to warp light around the frames so the character’s eyes can always be seen, even if the frames would be blocking our view. I wonder how that even works?
Of course, any character who wears glasses has the ability to make them flash at dramatic moments, especially when hatching evil plots.
Whenever a nude body appears, a convenient beam of light will appear out of nowhere, hiding the offending nipples from view.

If no light beam is available, beer cans a conveniently-placed straw will usually do the trick.

Of course, girls have to look out for each other, and will usually make sure their friends don’t actually expose themselves on-camera without something some convenient censorship.

Girls are capable of storing anything in their bras, no matter what the size is, or how small the cleavage.
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Another feature of anime logic is Lesbian Jumping Physics, which allows any lesbian to perform any jump if it’s to save her girlfriend.

The classic 90s Giant Robo anime had some great examples of anime logic in action.
There’s a lot of drama about what exactly makes girls pregnant in anime, which results in some adorable misunderstandings sometimes.

If you ever lose your virginity, don’t worry, you can just borrow the virginity of someone else to get it back.
If you’re looking for a great “pure” anime girlfriend experience, we’ve got a Buyer’s Guide for you!

If you run out of salt, never fear! Your sister will offer her armpit up for you. Anime sisters are so helpful.

Finally, the only thing better than anime logic is hentai logic, which probably needs its own post.
Thanks for reading this post exploring some fun examples of anime logic! Got any more examples? Share them below, or on Twitter!
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