One reason Japanese manga has become popular all over the world is that the characters and jokes are so relatable, we can feel a connection to the story immediately. As we did last year, I asked J-List’s customers on Facebook and Twitter to describe themselves using manga panels, and here are the results!
Some of us reject the expectations of others when it comes to our romantic futures. Besides, we already have plenty of waifus…

As these manga panels show, many of us are connoisseurs when it comes to female breasts, and have a lot to say on the subject if asked.
While big boobs are great, many of us are pure of heart, and thus able to appreciate less-well-endowed females, too.
Of course we all secretly want a busty girl to slap us in the face with her boobs. That goes without saying.
The constant need for making money in order to live gets to be a pain after a while. All we want is a way to get money without working.
Even if we look happy and content on the outside, we’re usually filled with negativity.
On the rare occasions we have an intimate discussion with a potential partner, it can be hard to know if we’re interpreting the signals the right way.
Even though we might successfully find a partner to get physical with, we may suffer from commitment issues afterwards.
We’ve all had lots of extra time at home over the past few years. Some of us have put that time to less effective use than others.

Even if we have girlfriends, we can never be sure if they’re figments of our imaginations or not.
Often we get unhealthy habits, like getting addicted to gacha pull games. This usually doesn’t work out well for us.
Because some days we’re going to make bad choices. It’s just the way it is.

All of us tend to blame society for certain things, rather than taking responsibility to improve things ourselves.
Though that may be the case, all of us should make sure to not forget to wear the seatbelts of our hearts.

In a way, this image encapsulates everything good about life. Depending on which direction you read it, Fumino-chan is getting sad, or getting happy. A reminder that you hold the power to how you’re going to approach each day going forward, avoiding negativity and trying to keep positive!
Thanks for reading this blog post which asks you to describe yourself in manga panels. Show us something about yourself in the comments below, or share with us on Twitter!
Every day the J-List staff adds fun new products from Japan to the site, and today we’ve added lots of sexy new doujinshi books from Japan’s best artists. Browse all the doujinshi and doujin artbooks we have for you!