Today is a special day for Domo-kun, the super-cute Japanese monster character who’s become so popular throghout the Internet: it’s his 10th anniversary, or his 10th birthday if you will. Domo-kun was created by Japanese production company TYO to star in a series of 30 second stop-motion animation films for NHK’s “BS” (broadcast satellite) network, which would serve as station identification between feature shows. The character was only intended to be used for a year, but he became so popular that NHK made him a permanent fixture. The word domo is an all-purpose Japanese polite term that can be short for domo arigato (thank you very much), domo sumimasen (I’m really sorry to have inconvenienced you), or even domo hisashiburi desu (it’s really been a long time since we saw each other last), and as such the term is especially useful for foreigners who want to be polite but aren’t sure which word to use in a certain situation. These days Domo-kun gets a lot of work on children’s TV shows, teaching kids to bow and speak politely to their elders. We’ve been carrying fun Domo-kun products since the very beginning, and are proud as punch as the way our little guy has grown up. To mark this special day, we’ve got some rare items for Domo fans, the last stock of the cool Domo Square Plush cubes, in stock in our San Diego location — check them out!
I Understood That Reference! Ten Times Anime Embraced Western Memes
Anime and memes are two of my favorite things, so I love it when they come together in the same...