I’ll let you in an anime blogger’s secret: I secretly hate the beginning of a new anime season, because I know a ton of new shows is coming, but most of them haven’t started airing yet. I know I’ll be up to my elbows in new episodes of anime to watch and write about by this time next week, but currently things are pretty quiet in anime-land. So for today’s post, let’s go with something different: Sixteen Things We’d Like Anime Girls to Do to Us, with suggestions from J-List’s awesome Twitter followers.
Sixteen Things We’d Like Anime Girls to Do to Us!
Having a cute girl put us in our place would be a small price to pay and being rewarded with such a nice low-angle view would be worth it.

Anime girls having sexy accidents rarely happen to us in real life. It’d be great for this to happen to us, just once in our lifetime.

Getting hugged from behind by a loving girl with big breasts would brighten anyone’s day.

We’d even be fine with getting hugged from the front. Especially by an alien catgirl.
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Sharing baths with anime girls would be a dream come true. Having a girl wash our back for us would be great to experience.

Hell, she could wash the front if she wanted to. We’d have zero complaints.

When we’re all sweaty from having a fever, having a cute nurse give us a sponge bath would be wonderful.

While we’re at it, a head massage with boobs would be totally appreciated.
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While guys usually take initiative during sexy time, having a girl show us what she wants would be pleasant.

If we have unique fetishes, having a girl willing to go along with that would be excellent.
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Some of us have monster girl fetishes. The legendary Fire Salamander Barbecue scene from Interspecies Reviewers took that to a whole new level.

Sexy time aside, we’d always be down with having an 800-year-old fox deity appear in our apartment ready to pamper us with delicious food and delightful backrubs.

The perfect kiss at the perfect moment with the perfect anime girl would also be nice.

We’d love some quality snuggling time with anime girls. It would be a dream come true.

Of course, we all have needs, so if she’s down with it, taking things further would be a nice surprise. We’d even show her how to do it.

But either way, what we really want from anime girls is just someone cute to hold hands with as we walk into the future together.
Thanks for reading this post about 16 things we want anime girls to do for us. Got any more suggestions? Post them in the comments below or tell us on Twitter!
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