Last November, J-List launched our J-List Box monthly boxes, which lets you get your mitts on awesome Japanese snacks, seasonal and toy items, plus awesome ecchi products every month. There’s no subscription to buy, you just pre-order the boxes you want before the deadline (and before they sell out), can you send you the awesome J-List Box items at the start of the following month. Now it’s time to give you the details of the new J-List Box deluxe snack box for July!

Here are all the awesome items. This is the deluxe version that cost only $29, which comes with 16 wonderful snacks and a drink, hand-picked by our staff in Japan. There’s also a cheaper version that only cost $19 but omits some of the items, including the drink.

The first item is a delicious cream filled cookie called — wait for it — Collon, pronounced “colon.” The cookies are “milk” flavored, a flavor you encounter a lot in Japan.

Next up, we have one of the fun DIY snacks similar to Kracie’s Popin’ Cookin’ would you exploded in popularity a few years ago. This is Neru Neru Nerune, And it’s basically liquid candy you mix, then add candy sprinkles to it. You get all the stuff you need to make the candy mass, the powders, the candy pieces, the trade to mix them in, etc. check look at this video, showing how the candy works:

The whole point of the J-List Box snack box is the sample lots of different Japanese snacks, and this is a wonderful nori (seaweed) fried tempura snack, yum.

Everyone loves melon soda, which is one of the top sellers on the site consistently, so why not enjoy melon soda flavored “caramel corn” snacks? Why not, indeed!

I’m happy to see this, since Dekavita C is one of my favorite energy drinks in Japan. While energy drinks appeared a decade or so ago in the West, they’ve been a fixture in Japan since the 70s, and I love the “vitamin-ey” taste of Dekavita C. These are candy tablets with all the same energy and vitamins (including vitamin C and Royal Jelly).

More healthy candy. This is C.C. Lemon, A popular health drink, but this is a gummy version of the drinking. So enjoy your vitamin C-laced gummy candies.

We love the Frito-Lay company for opening a Japanese subsidiary and giving us lots of wacky random snacks to sell. These are honest-to-God wasabi flavored Cheetos. How can you resist ordering this box? They are only available in this box.

More exotic Japanese snacks, this time delicious toast that is flavored wonderfully, they go great with wine or beer.

Here’s another interesting random snack, the official “Crazy Salt,” great for munching.

There are a lot of Japanese snacks at it been around for decades, many of which are considered dagashi, the traditional candies of the Showa Period, including this, a peanut candy that’s been around since 1968.

One snack I eat almost daily is Kaki no Tane rice crackers and peanuts. Kaki no Tane means “persimmon seed,” which is the nickname of this kind of rice cracker, since that’s what its shape is like. This is a rare curry flavored rice crackers and peanut snack.

Another example of traditional dagashi candy, This is Mini Cola, delightful cola flavored candies that are kind of similar to Smartees, but cola flavored.

We love the Hi-Chew soft candies from Morinaga, kind of like Starburst if Starburst were more awesome. These are fresh Crown Melon flavored.

Everyone loves the amazing gum from Lotte, and this is ume (plum) flavored, delicious. It’s regular (sweet) plum flavored by the way, not the tart, dried plum known as Ume-Boshi.

One cookie that’s been around a long time in Japan — you can tell by how weird it sounds to the ear — are uehaasu cookies, which comes from the English word “wafers” according to Wikipedia. This is a sleeve of tasty wafer cookies flavored with mango from Okinawa.

Finally, the drink included in this month’s J-List Box is really amazing…Beard Papa’s Cream Puff in a can. The Japanese love cream puffs, which they call choux créme becuase French is sexy to the Japanese, and you can enjoy this amazing taste in liquid form.