We stock a lot of excellent How to Draw books on the site, from books on how to create characters who communicate emotions to the all-important How to Draw Boobs. Today we’ll explore a new book for artists that teaches you how to translate live-action photographs of humans in various poses into manga format, called How to Draw Manga From Photographs. Let’s get some more details!
The book basically tries to offer concrete tips on how to デッサンdessan, or drawing, which comes from the French dessin. Yes, the Japanese randomly take foreign loan words from languages other than English, then generally try to use them as-is in English, causing much confusion. It presents you with dozens of poses of a cute Japanese model in a sexy swimsuit, which you can practice drawing on paper or your digital tablet of choice.
Since getting anatomy right always vexes artists, the book takes a lot of time showing proper proportions. To the Japanese, the “perfect” body size is 八頭身 hattoushin, or a body that is “eight heads high,” and there are exercises inside the book that help you visualize this in your art. There are also sections that help you see female bodies from various angles.
As with the other books in this series, the book is in Japanese, but in the cool tech-driven era we live in, just fire up Google Translate on your phone, aim the camera at the page and the translation will display on the screen for you. The way the Japanese text is limited to short snippets in small boxes makes it excellent for this purpose.
Find the How to Draw Manga from Photographs book in stock on the J-List site now!
Internal scans are below. Click on them to enlarge them on your screen.

Find the How to Draw Manga from Photographs book in stock on the J-List site now or browse the other book in the series.
J-List’s sister company J18 has some great news for you: new hentai doujinshi that are officially licensed, fully translated to English and fully uncensored! You can now order Faithful and Unfaithful (a fabulous story of betrayal and revenge sex) and Rinya Life (an adorable erotic catgirl story) now! Both books are in stock and shipping now out of San Diego!